Day 28: Being Mindful of Our Redemption

Day 28 Mindful of Redemption

And they remembered that God was their rock, And the Most High God their Redeemer.” Psalm 78:35

Redeem =  Re (back, again) +Demen (take, buy). In English, the word redemption means to “buy back” or to “repurchase”. There are a number of contexts for the definition of redeem, here are some of them from Webster’s Dictionary:

-To free from what distresses or harms

-To free from captivity by payment of ransom

-To help to overcome something detrimental

To release from blame or debt: to be cleared.

-To free from the consequences of sin

“The paradox of redemption is that it comes to us in our weakness but is dependent upon our strength. We are bought out of slavery by another, but when the cuffs come off it is our responsibility to keep them off. The road is hard and temptations great, but we do not engage the struggle ill equipped. If nothing else we carry into battle the memory – be it ours or that of others who came before us – of the weight of those cuffs and the toll that they take on body and soul. If we cannot run fingers over our own calluses, or cannot put those fingers into our own Saviour’s wounds, we can at least know the story that bears testimony to both the origin and the worth of those wounds. We can know too, in appreciation, that they are the price paid for our freedom” Erik Kolbell, The God of Second Chances.

When we have failed ourselves, others, even God, we don’t have to sit with shame and guilt, we can know that grace and redemption is there for us. God doesn’t condemn us, leaving us without a chance to be freedom from our sins, our mistakes, our failures. God has provided us with redemption. Christ tells us that his bloody and brutal crucifixion was not the end, he rose again, and defeated what was intended to be his ending. He also tells us that the same is offered to us. Nothing is the end for us on earth, and when our time here has ended it continues in eternity with the Father, God.

When you find yourself sinking into shame and guilt remember that you have been redeemed and despite what might be happening in your life, it is not your “last chance”. You are redeemed by God. Be mindful that God creates new opportunities and will bring new people into your life as part of the redemption process.

He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name” Psalm 111:9.

Mindfulness Action

Look up verses on redemption in the bible. Find one or two that you can meditate on today.

Faith Formation & ADHD